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Messages - dellay515

Custody Issues / NEED HELP IN A BAD WAY
Apr 28, 2008, 09:35:01 AM
Ok where do i start........ok i have a court date coming up soon but first let me say that i dont have guardianship of my daughter which whom this is about...... she is in the state of missori and the court case takes place  there......they are trying to appoint a successor guardian and co mother in law has the origanal guardianship...i signed over my rights when i wasnt thinking husband and i are sepera ted and i dont mind them appointin another guardian afterall my daughter needs someone to help take care of her and i cant right now afford to do it myself...anyways she is going to b 11 the 15th of may 2008 and i need to know if  there is any way that i can get the court to MANDATE vistaion with see no one on my husbands side of the family likes me and therefore they wont even let me see or talk to her and i am getting tired of the stuff you know....i jus t want the ability to see her so that she can get to know my side of the family as wel as get to know me better...can anyone please help me know what the laws are here in missouri for trying to see her and get visitation with her and i dont even care if it has to b supervised for right now just as long as i can see her.....please help me....