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Messages - ksmyrfam

Custody Issues / RE: Supposedly....m
May 08, 2008, 06:39:02 AM
The order was modified in April of 2006.  We have to wait the 3 year period before we can modify.  I did get more time then I had before.  Next year the kids will be even older so I should be able to get 50/50.  I am actually glad for the wait.  I am saving money and making a list of everything I would like changed and why.  

Do you have any suggestions to help me prepare for the fight?
My income dropped by 1/3 due to the housing market.  It has been this way for over a year.  I need to drop the Child Support a bit.  It will go fot $973 amonth to $775 a month.  I am going to go for 50/50 custody in April of 2009.  Will changing the CS amount effect changing the custody agreement?

Thanks for the help