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Messages - better2morrow

Can I just go grab my son and take him? Since it is my right?
Just spoke to my ex. Even offered to give in and just pay for the Father's Day weekend, he still refuses. Now he's threatening not to give my son at all. I did what I can do be accomodating, and he's saying that I'm unreasonable. I advise  him about the Final Judgement and what he & I initialed and agreed, even begged him to talk to his attorney, he just continued to scoff and taunted me to take him to court that he claims I will be paying his fees as well as mine.
1. He moved, since then, we've always had long distance.

2. The past years, I didn't have any problem having him, until his new wife came along, he's been very difficult.

3. There's no mention for payment in transportation, but I've been paying my son round trip ticket, and never once have I complained, as long as I had my son on my scheduled time, that's really what I cared about.

4. It was a fighting battle getting my son on Mother's Day, but I did have him and I did pay for it. He originally refused because he wanted to honor that day for his new wife... ridiculous I know.

5. It's on our Court Order that I have him 6pm the day the end of the school, until the Sunday before the School starts.

I think he is is violating because it's my scheduled time that both of us initialed, agreed and settled on.
Moms Without Custody / RE: Father's threat
Jun 02, 2008, 07:56:48 PM
yes, it states that on Mother's Day/Fathers' Day, the parent for that holiday starts 8am on Sunday, and ends Monday 8am. As far as who's responsible for the transportation/money, that's not in writing. What's SOL? I don't even know where to begin, if I don't see my son. How do I hold him in contempt? You see my first attorney screwed me, I ended up representing myself at the end, so I'm sure there could've been more things that would have protected me and ensure my exposure and time with my son. So, honestly, I don't know where to even begin and how to go about it.
Moms Without Custody / RE: Father's threat
Jun 02, 2008, 08:14:26 AM
I'm looking at my Final Judgement where it notes the Parental Time Sharing Schedule. And it clearly states that I have my son 6pm on the last day of school, which is the 4th of June. How do I present this to my ex, stating that this is in writing from our agreement, and that he must abide by it, without causing another uproar? And what rights does he have demanding that I pay round trip tickets for his "Father's Day" weekend? And how can I make sure that if he does book it, it's not a one way ticket?

...and thank you for the time, in writing back to me, I just feel like I'm constantly being pushed up againts the wall with this guy, and it's my fault for letting him get to me. I want to be smart about this, and I want to know that I'm doing the right thing.

Thank you again.
Moms Without Custody / Father's threat
Jun 01, 2008, 06:06:20 PM
I booked my sons flight to come be with me for the summer. His father calls me and threatens that he refuse to board him on the plane unless I agree to pay my sons flight back for Father's Day weekend. Now, I have no problem with my son going back to his father for that weekend to celebrate with him, but asking me to pay is ridiculous. I pay nearly $700 a month to begin with, I pay for the majority of my sons expense, I even pay for all his flights coming in with no complains... never once asked for a single penny from his father. Now my son is scheduled to come this Wednesday, what can I do to make sure my son is boarded in the flight?

OH FYI, the money I give him for child support, yah it goes out to his new motorcycle, new car, and new wife.