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Messages - dad52

I could not agree more and I am trying to find out if this is legally true or just a lot of wishful thinking. At least I have it in writing regarding full time status although I'm sure the ex is going to find a way to contest it. I just cannot imagine her just "riding off into the sunset" over this. Somehow, she's got to have the LAST word.    
I did not know I had to file to end CS. Proving it will not be too difficult and I have it in writing in my divorce papers that CS continues to age 20 ONLY if the child is a fulltime student.  
I agree w/ you that it seems that the original decree has been satisfied because she has reached the "age of majority" AND she was DISenrolled from school for her attendance problems. Just because she re-enrolls and goes back to school doesn't mean the original decree goes back into effect as though nothing ever happened, at least that's how I'm looking at it. It's kinda like someone saying they're sorry AFTER a crime has been committed... you can be forgiven but that doen't change the fact that the law was broken and therefore justice must be served. And I have already been told by a retired educator from my state that 2 classes and a study hall does NOT a full time student make. Any more thoughts???
As I said earlier, I have NO court order ending the obligation.... is this something I am supposed to procure.... the court is certainly NOT going to issue one w/o somebody asking for it. I just thought it would just end on its on UNLESS it was contested to be continued. I'm no lawyer either and don't have 100's of $$$ to go talk to one right now so I'm trying to get a feeling on where I am legally. Right now it all seems to have come down to what is considered "full time" and I am awaiting a reply from my state board of education to that affect. Any more thoughts???
Ok, I understand what you're saying so here are the facts as of now.... I have NOT recv'd anything from the courts regarding this so I guess the original CO is in effect? My thinking and understanding is that since my daughter has turned 18 and was withdrawn by her school for attendance problems, therefore no longer making her a student, full time or otherwise, then the original CO is satisfied. My daughter moved out for about 6-7 weeks just a few days before turning 18 but had to return because her living arrangements fell through and her part time job does not pay her enough to afford a place of her own. My divorce decree states that CS stops when the last child turns 18, marries, joins the armed forces, ceases to life w/ the CP, becomes self supporting or otherwise becomes emancipated OR is still in secondary school till age 20 IF a full time student. So, based on that am I right in interpreting that my obligation has been fully satisfied and that even if my daughter does re-enroll, she will still NOT meet the criteria for a full time student therefore making her mother UNable to collect any more CS from me?
Thanks again for the info. As of today, there isn't a "new" CO for CS. I'm not even sure my ex is aware a new one might/would be needed to get CS again. I was not aware myself. I'm thinking she's just figuring the old one is/will be in force till my daughter finishes school. My daughter is working part time right now and from what I've been told, she would continue her part time job during school as well. I've been told she plans on taking 2 classes plus a study hall each semester. To me, this sounds like part time schooling but I will get a concrete answer from the school. I'm just wanting to be informed so I don't have to be concerned or worried about any talk/ threats of legal action if I don't "pay up" It's NOT the money but rather the PRINCIPLE.
Thanks, I also forgot to mention that after withdrawing from school, she moved out for a short while but is now back living w/ her mother. Because of this I am thinking her mother is going to say I am still obligated to pay CS because my daughter is "still in school" and if I fail to send her CS when school begins, assuming 2 classes are NOT considered full time, then she's going to have a nuclear meltdown and I'll be threatened w/ legal action and expulsion to Mars unless I "pay what I owe" I'm not trying to neglect my responsibility but just want to find out what my responsibility is since this appears to be a "gray area"  
Thanks, I also forgot to mention that after withdrawing from school, she moved out for a short while but is now back living w/ her mother. Because of this I am thinking her mother is going to say I am still obligated to pay CS because my daughter is "still in school" and if I fail to send her CS when school begins, assuming 2 classes are NOT considered full time, then she's going to have a nuclear meltdown and I'll be threatened w/ legal action and expulsion to Mars unless I "pay what I owe" I'm not trying to neglect my responsibility but just want to find out what my responsibility is since this appears to be a "gray area"  
My daughter withdrew from school in her senior year and is now 18. Now I hear she is planning on re-enrolling for the upcoming year in order to finish her last 4 classes. State law where I live says child support continues until child is 18 OR a full time student till age 20. My questions are- is 2 classes each semester considered "full time" and do I begin paying CS when she starts back to school or what?