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Messages - blkchr91

The judge wasn't listening. These precautions were self-imposed.
I disagree with just about everything you said. I need to be in control of this situation much as most folks like to be in control of lesser situations, and so far my checks and balances have served me well.

Frankly, FLMom has done a wonderful job of identifying my situation. I know it can be tough handing out your thoughts when you are not in someone elses shoes.

The information that I provide was actually an important primer to the rest of my post. A far cry from "so what".

Thank you for providing your thoughts, but they really don't help this situation. I base all of my thinking upon my personal experience and analysis.

At the end of the day, the way that I handle my own situation(s) works for me.

The issues that I have now are nothing compared to the issues that I faced before I was firm.

It is like night and day.

Your thoughts are amazing! Thank you! I especially like the notice of intent. That keeps my documents "serveable", and keeps me away from the private process servers and their sometimes exorbitant fees.

BTW- What happened to SOC?
My State is VA, my child resides in FL....

My child flies up to VA for visitation.

The child is now on summer visitation.

All I can tell you is that the CP is up to something, and that something probably reflects the subject line based on my experiences.

Not all that long ago, the CP accused my present wife of not providing my child with their medication while I was at work which was not the case.

Now the CP called my home to speak with my child and ask if they are taking showers every day. (Further implications that my wife is allegedly not watching my child correctly or neglecting my child).

My child has a very bad memory, and replied "no".

Just for history's sake:

The CP has been on formal notice of email only communication for years(unless it is an alleged emergency).

The CP has also been on formal notice of any calls to my residence being recorded for years.

Finally the CP has been put on formal notice that my child is not permitted to use their cel phone in my house for years.

These conditions are absolutely necessary in my situation (I won't get into specifics).

The above mentioned conditions have helped to GREATLY reduce a variety of problems to say the least. (Most of the above have been the result of the think tanks on these forums).

Now the CP has finally found an exploit.

The CP can and will call my child at random to exploit whatever they can.

Once the answer becomes "no", the very rich CP will simply move forward using any lawful capacity that can be dreamed of.

CPS, local law enforcement, and the judicial system will become the CP's weapons.

It is one thing to be accused of negligence etc., but once the issue effects my wife it is a very different matter as far as I am concerned.

Soc is great, but this is not the type of question I feel would be best addressed to him.

I am looking for a VARIETY of opinions on what to do in this situation.

I also have prepaid legal, and I can contact a phone attorney for free to ask questions, but that is not always the right answer either.

I am not willing to give up any of the formalities that I mentioned above, because they have served me quite well.

I do not want to run away as I have in the past when the CP overwhelmed me with procedure. However, I will do whatever I need to do to protect my wife and children in my new marriage.

I need to let the CP know that this will not be tolerated, as a firm approach is the only approach that works with this individual.

I know the ropes, I know how to file my own pro se lawsuits in family court, and I know how to handle my business.

However, the reality is generally that this is more of an art than a science.

I'd like to send the CP (or any appropriate party) written notice of something to nip this in the bud before it escalates, but I am not sure what that something is.

On a side note, my certified mails to the CP have never held up in court.
The CP just ignores the certified mails, and so does the judge.

I would probably have to pay a private process server to give the CP any sort of notice which is very unfortunate.

I am never given a fair shake with the judge even when I raise an extremely valid point that cannot be rebutted. (The judge just ignores my points as if they don't exist and denies my motions).

This is another reason why I need to nip this garbage in the bud before it causes a BAD situation.

Please provide me with any thoughts that you may have!

Thank you!