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Messages - historyman919

Child Support Issues / Child Support
Jul 08, 2008, 04:41:14 AM
My ex and I have been divorced about 8 years. There has been a CS order for that long and I have faithfully paid. Yet, my ex has not held a full time job in nearly 5 years. She remarried to a man who inherited a large sum of money and she has managed to go through that and they are now broke. My state (NC) says that since she cannot show any income, I am liable for the full amount of the reasonable needs of the children. I carry, in addition to support, full responsibility for all transportation costs to and from for visitation (600 miles round trip per month), life insurance, and health insurance. I also shoulder all responsiblity for their care during summers that I have them while IO work, in addition to all the related expenses of having them during those 4 weeks. During the summer months while I have them, I am also required to pay support for that month just as if they were not with me. Now my ex is saying that if I were to try to get CS modified, the fact that she has no income will mean that my CS will be INCREASED rather than decreased. And I might add that most every summer when they come, she sends clothes 2-3 sizes too small for the children and I end up having to buy new clothes for them as well. They go back with them and I never see said clothing on subsequent weekend visits again either.

My son just graduated from HS, and I would like to have CS modified to reflect that he has achieved that, but my ex says that if I know what is good for me, I will not pursue it.

I need some help from an attorney in NC, but as you can see by my story above, I cannot afford to be represented in court. Is there any attorney out there who can help? Much more to this story, but space will not permit