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Messages - Gr8dad

Father's Issues / RE: Contempt Enforcement
Jul 14, 2008, 07:15:53 PM
Thank you for your response.  I did contact my local Law Library and they said that they had the forms for the Contempt of Court Motion and the article.  It will be .20/page to printout.  I will be going tomorrow afternoon! Thanks for the tip!!!!
Father's Issues / RE: Contempt of Court
Jul 14, 2008, 07:11:03 PM
Thank you for your response.  I contacted the County Clerk's Office in my county and she was very abrupt.  She said "Sir, you need to contact an attorney--we cannot give any legal advice.  The process and forms needed for your request has to come from an attorney." She then hung up the phone!  I  will go to closest Law Library, however, and try to obtain some info that way.  Thanks for your help!
Father's Issues / Contempt of Court
Jul 13, 2008, 11:47:23 AM
I need help on how to file a Contempt of Court charge on my ex-wife for consistent non-compliance with the Final Decree of Divorce.  I contacted my attorney who will not help me until I satisfy my balance on my account ($3000) and provide another $4000 retainer.  My ex-wife is not providing with any information regarding our 3 children as stated in the decree.  I also have not received my half of the items outlined in the final decree (pictures, videotapes, etc.).  I live in the State of TX, please help!  My divorce was final September 13, 2007.