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Messages - dp

She changed in august (which was how they were garnishing).

So the way it went was:

Order put in place in 2001.
In 2004 they suspended her license, and then 3 months after that finally put out an arrest warrant for her. We told her if she showed up for visitation, we would call the police due to her having an arrest warrant out. She started paying child support 24 hours before the arrest warrant was valid.

In 2007 (August) she switched jobs, and therefore no longer paid child support.

We know she's working since the kids have talked in great detail about getting to "visit" her at her job over Christmas, and then Spring Break and now summer.

My husband has called them numerous times, but they always say they are "doing their best". I will tell him to try and make an appointment to go in.

We were actually debating about hiring a third party company because even if they take 30% of what they find, if they manage to get anything it seems worthwhile.

We've told her the same thing now, if they file an arrest warrant we wont turn over the kids to her (it seems irresponsible) however DCSS doesnt seem to be on the ball for enforcement.
My husband and I frequented this board about 5 years ago when we were in the middle of a heavy battle for custody of his two kids and I have to say the help we got here was amazing. We even found our lawyer through a referral here.

I'm happy to report we've had custody since then, and they've maintained a stable living enviroment.

Their mother (not being the most stable person) has decided not to pay child support for most of this time. She did pay for about 18 months after we had an arrest warrant out for her, however it looks like she is now managing to avoid them again.

She still see's the kids on a somewhat regular basis (usually every other weekend unless she forgets). We do know a few things, 1. she is working, 2. she was very excited to get her tax refund/stimulus check.

To us, this means that DCSS isnt enforcing correctly, in the past we've tried to let them take care of it (cheapest/easiest way and we were paying off lawyers/therapy/evaluator's fees) but his ex is now over 50,000 in arrear's and well, frankly we've got all of their "needs" taken care of but that money could really go toward their college fund/extra curricular's.

We are *not* asking for a raise (her child support was based on minimum wage even though she was very capable of holding a much higher paying job) however we are asking for the set amount to be paid and or enforced.

Any suggestions on how to get California DCSS to enforce the order, and or the IRS to actually flag her social security number instead of forgetting to?