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Messages - stepmom99

#1 husband pays support via a voluntary payroll deduction each pay period for my step daughter who lives in Indiana.  We do not live there anymore.  She is 17 and lived with us for for 3 years before returning to her mothers 2 years ago.  She informed me today that she is pregnant and the"baby daddy" wants nothing to do with her. My husband is required by the support order to provide medical insurance and payment of uncovered charges for her....will this include the bills associated with the baby???  Is there a legal avenue to hold her mother accountable, since the pregnancy occurred on "her watch"?  She is the custodial parent who allows my stepdaughter to roam freely.  She has been expelled from school, in trouble with the law , and almost put into Juvie while back at her mothers......HELP ME!  What if anything can we do?

Thanks :)