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Messages - mancave

Child Support Issues / Child support modification
Aug 13, 2008, 03:14:35 PM
I am pretty sure that daycare was part of my child support payments in my divorce. He is now 16 years old and I am still paying for daycare in his support. I am currently going through another divorce in which 2 of my own children are involved and child support is being paid for them. Can/should I request for modification now or wait for the other divorce to be completed first and will my modification go through??

Also, what do I need to do (forms, motions, etc...) for request for  modification of child support??

This is for the state of Florida.  Between all the CS that I pay, I have barely any money to support myself. Over 40% of my check total and the spouse has lied on her financial affidavit. What can I do about that??

Also, she was awarded custody of the house and ordered by the court to help pay up the mortgage to be current. I took money out of my retirement plan to catch up my half and she never paid a dime. Needless to say, she stopped paying on anything that had both our names on it (mortgage, automobile, credit cards, etc...) and the house and automobile were repossessed and I tried my best to save it by sending letters to mtg company but they foreclosed. Anything I can do in the aftermath of this??  The divorce is not yet finalized and we both have no attorneys (no more $$) and a court date this month.

Please Help!!!