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Messages - cjk26199

Father's Issues / HELP ! ! ! ! ! PLEASE
Aug 26, 2008, 07:08:14 AM
My ex is interfering with my parenting my little ones.  Through spotty wording of my matrimonial settlement agreement, the ex has not allowed me to see the children since July the 30th and the way it seems now, I will not have them for another 2 weeks.  The ex supervises my daughters' calls with me and forces her off almost immediately.  The respective schools for the

I cannot afford to use an attorney and in any event am leery of using one in any event as I thought I had a great one for the divorce yet the agreement that she created for me now seems like Swiss cheese.  I would like top go the Pro Se route but would like to engage either a paralegal to help with research and filings and possibly using them and or an attorney as a coach.  I live in Monmouth County New Jersey, the ex and the kids live in Mercer County.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you