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Messages - Newburydad

thank you for helping me feel like I have a great chance to get my boys back!
thx for response. agreement was done in 2005 in Florida and wasn't finalized till we had moved to Boston. Move is referenced in agreement as is a no relocation outside of Boston area. She just left a week ago and i was considering working something out so she could do what she needs with masters degree but she asked for a year and now 2 that she is gone. My boys are 7 and 9 and those are some years I want to be an involved Dad. I have to hire a lawyer I guess. Will they file in probate court and she'll get a summons to appear?
I have shared joint custody. Our agreement was done in Florida. We agreed to move to Boston and have a condition not to leave Boston. We both have shared joint custody. She moved to New York with the kids last week for a temporary relocation. I never ok'd it. Said I would consider it. She has since doubled her temporary timeframe and won't talk to me. She is in New York with kids. What can I do and what are my chances? I lost my job and lost health insurance for the kids, she says I violated that condition first so she can move. I wasgoing to consider her temporary relo b/c she is doing it to get her masters. Her lack of communication has driven me to pursue legal action.
Anyone familiar with what may happen?