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Messages - kyanne

Father's Issues / RE: Haven't seen son in 4 years
Sep 22, 2008, 03:30:24 PM
Thank you soooo much for your response, it's something I will definitely be checking into. I will let you know what I found out!!
Father's Issues / Haven't seen son in 4 years
Sep 17, 2008, 04:05:05 PM
Ok, I'll make it short and sweet.

Me and my ex-girlfriend seperated 4 years ago, due to me getting into a new relationship and leaving her. She was rather childish about the whole thing, calling friends and family members to bash me, destroying my house by writing on walls and leaving food to rot in the vents, etc., then she within just a few months up and moved from Missouri to Colorado, with my son, who was 3 at the time. We were not aware that she had moved till some time later. I tried to contact her before she moved, but she wouldn't return my calls, wouldn't let me know where she was living,  then she just left.

After she had lived in Colorado for approx. 9 mos, establishing residence, she petitioned for CS. I  have no problems paying CS, I know it is my responsibility. But don't I at least have a right to know where my son is? When the petition for CS came in, I did ask for a paternity test, just to be sure, and the courts advised that she would have custody, and I would be eligible for visitation. The also noted that if either parent moves, they must notify the other within 6 months. I have never heard ANYTHING from her since the day we separated. On top of that, I have to keep insurance on my son, which adds up to about $300/month, which I have no problem with, except they are taking out the money, but it doesn't actually COVER him, because we have no address for him. I know we could get an attorney and take her to court (if we had her address, anyway) but due to the added child support and insurance, I'm bringing home approx $700/month less than I had been. I can't, as many fathers, afford an attorney at this time.

I do get occasional messages, calls from members of her family, who think I should have custody of my son, and the last I heard of her, she was being evicted from her apartment, and was planning on going to a homeless shelter (with my son!). I contacted CPS in Colorado, who was able to check on him (because she hadn't been evicted YET) and found no reason for them to step in, IE she wasn't beating him.  

Background on me, 40 years old, work for local Emergency Communications, upstanding citizen, have a 10 year old daughter with my 1st wife who I see weekly and pay support on, and want to be a dad to my son, but can't afford to do what it takes. Does anyone have any advice?