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Messages - klcharest

I will try to keep this short.  My husband has a son with "D".  He hasn't seen him in 4 years.  "D" was always moving, never had a phone or email.  He couldn't contact her.  But he would sent out his contact info to her mother, but never heard anything back.

Recently he found out that "D" gave guardianship of their son to her parents.  My husband was never notified.  He was able to get a hold of the court records and found they posted a public notice in a VT newspaper (they live in VT).  We live in MA, 5 hrs away.  The court papers acknowledge my husband lives in MA so how was it legal for them to put notice in a VT paper?

He has filed a motion to vacate the guardianship.  He wants to start visitation, and down the road, be able to get custody of his son.  The guardians just lawyered up, but we can't afford one.  Does anyone have any advice?  Does he have a legal ground to stand on?  Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks,- K