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Messages - perculator

Hi everybody......just here for a little advice.
I've got a hearing in 2 days to modify my child support as the ncp.  We are looking at a pretty significant increase ($250+) monthly, which I really don't have a problem with as I make more money than I did under the old order.
However, when notified by the court that my ex was requesting an increase they did an audit (which is where the potential $250 increase comes from) on my income.  When notified of the amount of increase, I phoned the case worker and she explained that it was my right to a hearing if I didn't agree with the findings.  
Well.....there are several things that I believe the court should consider.  I pay all of my daughter's medical/dental/vision insurance, as well as cover ALL present and future dental bills.  Medical is split.  Next, in our last custody hearing the court agreed to take into account the amount of time that my daughter spends with me and decuct that from the child support.  Also, my ex refuses to send clothes with my daughter (we shrink them when we wash them, apparently) so we buy clothing for her as well.
Bottom line is that I don't have any problem paying support for my daughter.
Also in the motion is a request to have me pay for court costs.  I specifically asked the case worker who would cover court costs if I contested.......and she said that since my ex requested the increase that she would be required to cover them.
Last, they request that I be ordered to post a cash bond or security of sufficient value to insure payment of child support.  What is up with this?  I've never missed a support payment, technically.  There was an incident in 2004 when my employer overlooked paying my support.  It was always taken from my check, but they did not send it in.  Once notified by the child support office they paid it immediately.
Thanks for any advice.