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Messages - aGoodJake

Can child support be enforced on a parent whos child has had a child? This is in Texas.
For the first time in sixteen years I bring home a full paycheck.  I honestly did not mind the payroll withheld child support except for the over the top spiteful vindictiveness of the ex. I also paid for extra-curricular activities, glasses, braces, clothes, and a long list of other items over the years. I was the poster boy for the definition of alienation.  I was the victim of so many misleading lies and propaganda over the years that my child may never really know the truths about her dad.  None of the bad treatment or spiteful vindictiveness I was on the recieving end of had any reason or justification.  I did the best I could with what I had to work with.  I adjusted my lifestyle to living on a tight budget over those years.  I never thought I would ever remarry after such a horrible experience the first go round.  I'm happy to say that I'm married again and my new wife is a breath of fresh air in my life.  It's interesting about lifes twists and turns.  A very short time after my daughter turned eighteen and the court order child support ended, my daughter had a falling out with her mom.  My daughter now lives with my wife and I and is attending college.  She has a little part-time job and is responsible for her own bills.  I'm getting to really know her and see the young woman she has become.  I am very proud of her and no matter what hell my ex put me through I never gave up and fought for my rights.  Believe me I shed my share of tears over the years.  I always encourage my daughter to have a relationship with her mom.  I cannot stand the sight of my ex and things she has done to me over the years are unforgiveable.  I haven't reached the point of forgiveness yet.  There will be events involving our child in the future where the ex and I will have to put our heads together.  I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.  The only piece of advise I can give to any dads out there paying child support and dealing with the crap of divorce is NEVER give up on your kids. I've said it before and I'll say it again. The real losers in divorce are the children. The real winners in divorce are the lawyers, because they get paid no matter what the outcome in court.