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Messages - DadInTrouble-PLEASE HELP!

Ok Here we go, lol :   


You said "our children". Does that mean you have custody of one child?
I have One child with her and she has two from a previous marriage that I raised.
I have shared parential Responsibity.  I dont have Full custody just shared custody.
How old is your daughter (and the other child if one is involved)?

11 almost 12 years old.

Gemini 3 - Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! I will look at them.

Marsha -

My questions to you were also, did your ex get clinically diagnosed (stated better the above post as to what classifies that)? 
NO her sister was diagnosed after many years of taking Prozac and it did not work. She finally went to a Clinical PSY and they specialize in severe disorders, and they told her she had it. They also said that it was something that could run in the family. So she told my ex, and she had the test done and it was confirmed! She did not want to tell me, she just SLIPPED! So then she kind of had to tell me. She had already told me too much! 

Did you ex tell you she had had thoughts of wanting to kill the children herself? OH YEAH AND HERSELF! When? During the Hormone therapy! BUT her DR said that she could have had this and made it worse during that time!   What was the context? She said that she had "feelings" of despair and had dreams of hurting herslef and all three kids during that time.    (I am also confused about how many children there are here -?) She has TWO from her previous marriage. We have one together - my daughter.

Another question, is mom still taking the hormone therapy? No, She STOPPED the payments to the Insurance company, AND I had already gave her the money for it. So the insurance got cancelled, and now she does not have the money to drive the 2.5 hours to her Hormone Dr. and then pay the full amount for the meds. I wish she had kept the Insurance, she said that she is trying to get help through the state.   Did she change it? YES STOPPED TAKING THE MEDS. She does it everytime because she goes online and reads about the meds, finds out the side effects and then stops taking them.  Does she have a good doctor who really works with her and her body around her hormones? YES, but she cant afford it now. I gave her the money for the insurance, but she kept the money and then cancelled the insurance. 

One more question, how many and how old are your children - 1 and she is 11 almost 12

AND, after so many years of marriage, how did you wind up with so little visitation time? WELL the court system here in florida only gives you one weekend every other week. I got more than that. BUT the new law that came out in Oct says that her and I should each have one week. BUT my divorce had already gone through!  Did you just agree on that upfront or was that ordered after you had asked for more? It seems like very little time Yes I get her from Thursday after school, till sun night. Then the next week I get her from after school till the next day. so I get her 5 days out of 14. TOTALLY NOT FAIR! But that is what I was offered, because she is the mother. NOW I might have a chance to at least get her a full week if not full custody.

Thank You, and I will look forward to others who have encouraging words or advice for me. I really need an attorney who will represent me. Because she said she makes no money, she went to legal aid, so now I cant! Some law system we have! Now I cant even PROTECT my daughter, because I cant afford to pay for a lawyer.

Thank You Everyone!
After 13 years of marriage and a lot of physical and mental abuse I got a divorce. I THOUGHT that would SOLVE my issues with my ex. it has ONLY made them worse!

Last night she told me that she was "sick" and if I knew what it was that "I would love her again"! She did not go into detail but she made my life a living hell last night with all of her threats about my daughter and not being able to see her, etc. She finally stopped all of the harrassment about 1am. I am sooo tired from all of the text messages and Phone calls, I am falling asleep while I write. Anyway today she told me that she has BPD.

I thought that was Bi-polar, but it turns out it is Bi personality disorder. Which is MUCH WORSE than Bi-polar. She had thoughts of killing our children when she was on hormone therapy. NOW my DAUGHTER Lives with her FULL TIME! I get her every other weekend,  and One night the following week. I am VERY afraid of what my ex is doing to my daughter MENTALLY! I can SEE what is happening to her EVERYTIME she comes home with me. it is like she is Her MOTHERS CLONE at times. SHE WAS NEVER THIS WAY BEFORE the Divorce. She even told me last night that she did not want to come for visitation tonight and THAT came straight from my Ex's mouth. If she says something it seems like my daughter repeats it like a parrot!   

I want to get custody of my daughter and have my ex get Supervised Visitation in LIGHT of this new information. I Live in Florida. Can anyone recommend a good Lawyer service. I dont make much money, and I cant afford an attorney BUT I NEED HELP! I LOVE MY DAUGHTER VERY MUCH, and it is very painful to see what she is going through!

Any help at all would be very appreciated!    Thank You all and God Bless!