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Messages - tinandchic

Father's Issues / Gaining Custody
Feb 10, 2009, 06:14:37 PM
My father has custody of my son. I did this 6 yrs ago voluntarily due to my own troubles. This was done with the agreement he would return custody to me once I got settled and stable. I have been in my own place for 3 yrs( where my son has his own room), same job for 4 yrs. I am recently married to a girl my son call's mom. My father will not turn over custody to me. Is there anything I can do? I have spoken to a cpl lawyers who say this is a very diff case then a couple who was married. My son is getting older and the longer he is with them and not us they are giving him false information and I know he is going to start hating me because of them. The mother is not in the picture at all. Any information would be of great help to us. Thank you