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Messages - Wellsey1126

Visitation Issues / Don't know what to do
Feb 24, 2009, 11:01:38 AM
my daughter lives in Kentucky, I live in Virginia, we are about eight hours away.  She will be four in June.  Since the mother and i break up in april of 2006 the only time i could see my child would be me to drive the full 8 hours.  Which at the time was understandable, being my daughter was turning one.  Since november of 2006 i have been paying child support, never missed a payment, i still send clothes, toys, etc.  Well now my daughter is turning 4.  And for the last month i have been trying to discuss with my x when we could meet half way so i can spend time with my daughter down where i live for a week, than drive back up.  She keeps ignoring me, will not anwser any of the questions.  She txt me back once saying there was a storm and caught an attitude with me. 
I just don't understand the issue.  I've never done anything to put my daughter in danger. 
So my question is how would i approach this if the mother in unwilling to come to some sort of agreement, what can i do to get closer on having rights to see my child every so often on my terms. (for example: Just meeting me half way every so often and letting me spend time with my kid for some time)

Thanks in advance.