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Messages - shadesofkin

Father's Issues / new and in need of help
Mar 25, 2009, 03:37:41 AM
I live in the state of pennsylvania and have a PFA against me, and although I understand why she did it and accept that I deserve it, I am still being punished further.

My ex is covered under the PFA but our daughter is not, in fact, my ex and I previously before the PFA had a verbal joint custody agreement. Now however, because I am not allowed to speak to my ex or have any contact with her whatsoever, I am being forced to not have any contact with my daughter, whom I have always shared a positive and healthy relationship with.

I have called dozens of support groups and counselors and they all seem to say the same thing: I have a right to see my daughter despite the PFA because it does not pertain to her.

How do I go about finding a way to enforce my fatherly rights?

Any suggestions would be helpful thank you.