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Messages - kwp1982

I am not sure what to do or believe... I recently got divorced from my husband of 8 years several months ago. We have a six year old little girl who I have taken care of her entire life. He is in the millitary and has and is generally gone every other year out of the country. He did not want to sign the divorce papers and would only do so if I had a clause put in that he has her for six months out of the year as he would get paid more. He added the clause and we signed the papers. I signed the papers just happy to get him out of my life without really looking and without an attorney. A friend of mine recently read the papers and as they state: he is the "residential parent", and I am able to have "liberal visitation". So did I just sign her away to him? What we cannot understand is if he the the "residential parent" why does it state in the papers that I will recieve child support, doesn't make sense. Recently he called and is stating that he wants to take her to live with him and his new girlfriend and he will take every dollar of is sign on bonus to hire a lawyer and take her from me. I have applied for many jobs with no luck and live off of my child support and a link card. (food stamps) I live with my ex brother-in-law and have for two years. It is a very stable living environment with no drug or alcohol misuse. She is very well provided for, has more toys than two kids together, always has food on the table, and is dressed with brand name clothing. I also have never gotten my licence. What do I do, try and get the papers changed? Does he have a leg to stand on? Help please?!?!