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Messages - mad/mark

I've been fighting for custody for my daughter. I was the petitioner to be a father. I have joint legal custody, the mother is primary. When my daughter and her mother lived here I saw my daughter everyday just about. The funny thing is that my beautiful baby  (2years 4 months) was in daycare and I had to ask her permission to get her out. She never not once allowed me to get her out. So I stayed in daycare to be with my baby . I still don't know why i have to ask her permission to get my baby out of daycare. Her mother and her boyfriend(s) don't need my permission. I spent more time with my baby than the mother did I just had to do it in daycare. Everytime I go to court my lawyer just sits there. I recorded every phone call and video taped every drop off and pick up. My lawyer not once brought any of that up, he told me the judge saw my evidence before court. thats hard for me to believe! The judge let them move to texas.  Now I get thursday to sunday every other weekend from 6 to 6 nm time,also on my off week witch is the next week. I get to see my baby for 2 hours on 2 different days between mon thru thur. I drive 4 hours round trip to see my baby for 2 hours. I've begged my ex to just let me have 4 hours, she does when it's convienent for her. I'm going to court for child support. I have had 3 back surgeries and the dr told me I can't work any more, but i'm still stuck paying childsupport and daycare and be out all the expense to see my baby cs is 443 and dc is 260 to 300 a month. My lawyer told me to keep paying it till we go back to court. i told him the judge her and her lawyer I don't have any income. I lost my trucking bus and home and new pickup and noone cares cause they have all my money. My question is what do I need to do when I go back to court? can I ask for primary custody since I can't work? I've done everything to be fair done what my lawyer told me and I lost everything I really can't believe this is happening. I want to be a father to my baby and nobody wants me too they just want me to pay and don't care how I do it.