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Messages - roxy767

Hi my name is brittany, i am 20 years old and 20 weeks pregnant. I am currently going through alot with the father of my child and ex boyfriend. The pregnancy was totally unplanned... i was trying to leave him for almost a month before i found out i was pregnant, his family has a history mental illness and he isnt all there his self i dont believe. He held me against my will a couple of times and would shove me around and mentally abuse me alot when we together, i stayed for a month or so hoping things would get better for our child but it didnt it just got worse. I lost my job and i am living with my parents for now, he is threatening to take me to court and says that he is going to try to get full custody of our son... here is a little about his past, he has 3 felonies on his record for breaking and entering, theft and eluding police. he is a very possessive man, i didnt feel safe around him so why would my child. I was letting him go to the doctors appointments with me but no matter how hard i tried things always seemed to turn into a fight, i almost had a miscarriage because of all the stress i started bleeding one night and had to go to the er and they told me i had to take it easy or i was going to losemy child... i have a pst myself, i got a dwi and had a problem with alcohol and drugs but i got help for myself....  i am so scared i am going lose my son when he gets here... what should i do???? or should i even be worried? anythng would help... sooooo please give me any advice..