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Messages - brian35

Custody Issues / Re: What to expect...
Jun 17, 2009, 07:58:39 AM
Thank you for the reply! We have had rough spots but the last few years things have been pretty civil. It is so much better for everyone involved.
Custody Issues / What to expect...
Jun 17, 2009, 04:35:41 AM
Hi everyone, so glad I found this site. .. My situation is this- I have 2 children with my exwife who moved out of state shortly after we divorced. She currently has custody and resides in TN. She remarried and is not working. I live in Ohio where our divorce was granted and am also remarried and expecting another child. My ex's husband has decided they can no longer handle my 15 year old son who he does not get along with and a month ago sent him to live with me. This has been a blessing, as I have always wanted both my children to be with me. I am currently still paying child support on both children. My ex  has suggested we just reduce the amount that I pay in half and I hastily agreed because I was so happy to have my son finally with me. She would still have our daughter, who I would still pay support on. I need to file for change of custody and have the support order modified and would like to do so without paying a lawyer since we are in agreement  and I have a pregnant wife and really need the money for other expenses. My questions are first, was agreeing to simply cut the support amount in half realistic? My reasoning was that it would possibly save me a headache of going back to court again when my son is 18 and since my ex isn't working anyway I didn't expect it to be much lower. Secondly, is filing for these changes without a lawyer going to be realistic? Thanks for the help.