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Messages - orlumberjack

Custody Issues / Modifying 50/50 custody
Jun 25, 2009, 02:45:55 PM
I am a father of 3 children in Oregon. I have been divorced for 3 yrs. The divorce papers say that I get the kids m,t,w, and every other thursday. The mother gets them fr,sat,sun, and every other thursday.  She does not take them on her Thursday during the school year. Only during the summer. We alternate holidays. I have to pay child support because of my income. Everything has been pretty good unil about two months ago. The ex moved in with her boyfriend. The kids didn't really like him, but I tried staying positive. Well they haven't been getting along with their mother or her boyfriend. The children are 17,13,and 8. The ex told the oldest that if she didn't like it, then she could leave. The two oldest(girls) don't want to go to their mother's house. I won't make them go, but I want to stay out of legal trouble.  I work out of town on the weekends, so I usually let my oldest have the car. There is alot of fighting going on in their mother's house. The boyfriend is starting to be verbally abusive to my 13yr old. The boyfriend started a fight with me when I went to pick up the kids. Alot of yelling and cussing, and bumping. I took the 13yr old with me, the 17yr old was at a friend's, but the ex ran into the house with the 8yr. I wasn't going to follow. Didn't want to get in trouble. I left and called the police. The cop talked to the ex and her boyfriend. The cop told me that they had no problem with me picking up or dropping off the kids at their house. Just call before coming over. I called once on Saturday to let my kids know, and twice on Sunday.  When I got there, I was told not to come down the driveway. My only other option was to park in the middle of a busy road, and load the kids up there. I didn't feel that was safe, so I pulled half way down the driveway to get the kids. You couldn't even see the house from where I was. Almost on que the boyfriend comes out cussing and screaming for me to stay on the road. I shook my head and said no-way. I got the kids . There was some words exchanged then I left. He called the cops, but they never contacted me. I think he is trying to set me up. I'm going to change pickup/drop off spots. I want to change the parenting agreement, because the kids don't want to go there. I also believe the tension in the ex's house is rising. I won't force the kids to go , but I also want to cover myself legally.