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Messages - brodude

Visitation Issues / I want Visitation
Jul 01, 2009, 04:51:04 PM
I was wondering if anyone could help me out...
I live in arizona and have 2 children age 6 and 5, The mother and i were never married. Back in February i filed a petition with the court to establish paternity and also to establish parenting time and support. Since then i have been paying her money also. The courts have still not set up a hearing nor has a parenting plan been set up yet. Peternity however has been established through her response to petition.

Anyway any Visitation that i have been able to have with my children since has always been at her discretion. I have to give atleast a weeks notice and am only able to meet them at a public place for no more than and hour at a time. And I am to be the only one there, if my
mother, their grandmother tries to come she threatens me and wont bring them.

I know this is just a control issue on her part but my main concern is there any rights i have to get more visitation with them. i.e having them over my place or being able to pick them up from her parents house where she constantly drops them off while shes working?
I feel like i should be able to have them instead of her parents. Can i take police with me to pick them up? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!