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Messages - rockfairy416

Custody Issues / Re: Father is Epileptic
Jul 25, 2009, 01:57:55 PM
Yes that would make sense to me. Normally his seizures last about 4 min in which his body is convulsing and he goes unconscious. Afterwords he is not himself for a long time. he does not remember his first moments upon regaining consciousness and usually sleeps the rest of the day to recover.
I believe when our son is old enough to call for help and can function more on his own it would be logical for them to spend time without any supervision. The supervision I feel could be pretty much any adult (girlfriend included, although hopefully this would be a significant person and not someone that would be fleeting in my child's life), although his own parents or relatives would be preferred.
Custody Issues / Re: Father is Epileptic
Jul 25, 2009, 01:29:53 PM
Thanks for the advice, but the seizures are enough that he can't get a drivers license so if he can't drive for the risk of seizures, how should he be allowed to care for a 2 month old child?
I said I want him to see him, but with another adult around in case he would have a seizure.
Custody Issues / Father is Epileptic
Jul 25, 2009, 01:12:51 PM
The father of my child is epileptic and typically has one grand maul seizure per month. He is also facing court charge of first degree assault and possibly 9 years jail time. He is threatening to take me to court for joint custody arrangements. I have already agreed that they should have a relationship and have been willing to arrange for him to see him as often as he'd like, but I do not want our child alone with him because of the risk of seizures. What are his chances of being awarded joint custody with this medical condition?