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Messages - razey

Custody Issues / caught cheating
Sep 06, 2009, 08:16:03 PM
Hello everyone,

I am in a huge dilemma, i live in Puerto Rico with my wife and 6 month old. We were married in virginia.
Anyhow i went to Baltimore on a business trip and sent an e-mail to my ex gf wanting to hook up. my wife got a hold of it and took my son to Louisiana where she lives.
I know i know, i am horrible for doing this, she says she needs time to think about us etc etc...
anyhow here is my dilemma, i want everything to work out between us, but i want to see my kid. If i give her time to think things out and then she decides to not be with me, i would essentially be telling the courts that i agree with the long distance relationship with my son. What should i do?