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Messages - lrfm

Father's Issues / Re: Father seeking Custody
Oct 04, 2009, 09:01:45 PM
17 is the age of consent in our state. so, if the mother is still technically not considered an adult and does not work and is still in school-not to mention a little on the immature side,  would it not make sense to give custody to the father, who can take care of the child financially and emotionally?
Father's Issues / Father seeking Custody
Oct 03, 2009, 07:15:07 PM
I have  a 19- going on 20 yr old son who has a a 17 yr old girlfriend- they have a 1 month old daughter, but recently decided to go their separate ways. considering the age of the mother, the fact that she is still in high school, she doesnt have very much family support- what is the likelihood that my son can obtain physical custody of the child? thanks-