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Messages - hagsjag

Custody Issues / Daughter wants to live with me.
Nov 04, 2009, 12:36:40 PM
My daughter is 14 years old, lives with her father and brother since the divorce. He has custody of them. She has wanted to come live with me for quite sometime but is afraid of what her father will do when she tells him. I filed the papers yesterday to get custody. So it is just a matter of time before he knows. In our parenting agreement it states, "Upon reaching the age of 14 years, the "mothers" visitation shall be arranged directly between "mother" and said child." So what will happen when she comes to spend the weekend and then refuses to go back to her father?
We live in West Virginia. I have tried to find a lawyer to represent me but they want $2500 up front and I just can not come up with that kind of money. I have tried to get legal aid and they say I make to much money. Does anyone have any advice that will help me Please?