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Messages - jwknoph

Father's Issues / seeking custody
Dec 06, 2009, 05:16:55 PM
I am recently separated and am facing what I've heard are the standard issues father's face going through divorce; attempted restraining orders, false allegations, parental alienation, etc.  The original plan was for me to stay together long enough to pay off her car (for my son's sake) and save money to get my own place. 

We had completed the settlement and parenting plan and were just waiting until the financial plan was executed (by that I mean, when I paid off the car (with my second job) and saved some money for my own place) but disagreements and fights escalated more and more and I could not keep the peace any longer.  The final stand, in which I again walked away to difuse the situation, resulted in her calling the police, filing a restraining order (which was denied) and me not coming back. 

I felt it was best for my son to not continue this because of the steady escalation on my wife's part...I have not been back without police as witness since.  She has convinced my son this is all my fault and he doesn't want to talk to me on the phone.  I have not seen him for a week and 1/2.  I had to redo the Petetition for Disolution for several reasons and am filing a Motion for Psychological Eval and Guardian Ad Litem all in Pro Se as I am financially exhausted.  I fear that I do not have the funding to follow through with what needs to be done and will fail my son in this regard.

I understand however, I can only do what I can do but I would be failing my son if I were to not even try.  Are there any resources/services that can help me?  I am filing the Petition tomorrow and have a long road ahead...I have a strategy but need an army.