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Messages - fireflam.rcaa

So, hello.. this is new to me and all, but I have been dealing with some odd issues with my ex lately and I want what is best for my daughter. I'm not sure of how to handle this, the correct way. So I have a 7 year old little girl, she is precious to me. I have shared legal and decision making and receive visitation. I have never missed a visit, with the exception of having to work, which I have made arrangement to trade days so it works out. My ex is 27 and still lives with her mother, or so I thought until today. Many arguements in the past, but seem to get along fairly well the last year since I married and have another child.. should have known something was up. Anyway, today my daughter let it slip that "mom" had been to court.. for a "bad" boyfriend and that she was afraid to go back to the apt.... I was like WHAT?!?!

I have just completed some checking and found out that she had been in an abusive relationship and had gotten section 8 apt a mile away from her mothers home. Okay, so.. my daughter explains to me that mommy has not been living with her at night since her birthday, (my daughters). that was over a month ago. I have been wanting more time with my daughter since my new job has me working only 2 24's a week, but have been denied any extra time because her grandmother who has been raising her doesn't want me to have any extra time.

I live in WV.. it's rough even on good fathers. I mean.. what are my chances for increased visitation?
I have a home, stable living conditions, pension, and good insurance. I work as a paramedic and my wife is a nurse. Should this not be enough to get somethint better than the 30-70 I get now?
Advice please.