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Messages - emt_81201

Wow is all i can say, she sounds alot like dh's ex...................narcissistic attitude, drives me crazy
we are getting cs just not the full amount, we received a letter this weekend that they didnt need withhold anymore,maybe she paid the state, not sure yet.

Just the fact she pays so little, and showed she only got paid 9k last tax return, the rest was pay from the military for her college which equaled out to around 20k.
I dont think she is eligible for that anymore, and now she is having to work to help pay for transportation for the kids.

She never helps us pay copays or her share of glasses, last time the kids went she her dog ate dh sons glasses and she refused to speak to us about it much less
replacing them. 
This woman tells more to those kids than she needs to, we have known this for a long time, she tried last summer telling the oldest that his dad isnt he dad, and that he stole
his sons ss number and used it and ruined his credit, ever get yelled at by a little boy about this stuff? It is crazy.
My dh has custody, bm has not been paying all of her child support, well Texas finally caught up with her and she is in arrears, The OAG sent us a copy of the order notice to withhold income from her paychecks upon receiving the forms, we notice she has two employers, when we took her to court back in 2010 she showed us 2009 tax return showing her 1 employer and benefits from the military, we opted not to ask for more child support after looking at the tax return.  She spoke with one of the children tonight stating she has been working long hours because she doesn't want to get depressed when they are not there, they visit prob about 50 days a year. I think 240 a month for 3 kids is low, if she is working as many hours as she is coming off to ss that she is so exhausted. Can they take income from her second job? She lives in PA with her boyfriend. We live in Texas six kids still at home, 3 his 3 mine.