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Messages - AnnetteN

Yes I was working at the time of divorce and my income was included.  I only went by what ever the formula said and didn't ask for any more.  I am fine with the child care being gone and not arguing with that.  The child care was figured at two days a week at the time of the divorce.  I was paying well over that for years and never asked for additional help in any way.  We do both have lawyers at this point and I also have no problem with income being imputed and considering that there would also be some childcare involved.  His income has also increased quite a bit and I know he is not paying a lot for his other child.  I did not mean that we are in a great place financially but the jobs I have found are not near what I had been making when I got laid off and it was worth it to us to be a little tight for a while and cut some expenses to be able to have more time at home with my son especially over the summer and be involved with his school which I feel very thankful for.
Just to clarify I have let him have him on Holidays that he has worked I just don't agree because of his reasonings.  He plays a lot of games with the kids heads and with his time.  There has been many times he has cancelled his weekend with some excuse like he was sick and then mutual friends say they ran into him out at the bar that evening or posted things online about being out and times he has cancelled right before school activities because of misc excuses as well.

He also doesn't like that we have been able to take family vacations and tells our son that he can't because I take all his money and that he pays for our vacations.  My son has came home quoting that amount of child support.  There is a lot more back story that isn't worth getting into just petty stuff.   Not to mention his work schedule is not only midnights but days off change every few weeks as well so they do not stay the same. We have looked at the standards and have offered what I think is a very reasonable schedule with splitting time on Holidays and breaks and giving more time over the summer.  If it does go to a judge I feel we were reasonable and am anxious to see what happens and get this done.   
Thank you very much for the help!  That seems to be what I am finding as well and it mostly relates to the the person paying child support. 
Summers he took him a few extra days on his weekends and some other days when he requested.  Holidays we worked around for the most part since he likes to work holidays for the extra pay he gets.  I got upset when he insisted on having a holiday just to leave our son with a girlfriend or babysitter instead of letting him be with us. 

Since our divorce he has been remarried once and had another child, and three other live in girl friends.  When he gets a new girl friend he all of a sudden wants to get him more since he has a babysitter as he voluntarily works midnights. Then when he does have him he sleeps during the day and he just sits and watches tv and plays video games most the day.  Or if he is home with him at night he lets him stay up really late so he will sleep in the morning with him which causes problems when he comes home especially during the school year.

Now he has set visitation with his other child he had with his second ex-wife and he expects me to go by that same schedule.  I think it would be nice to have a schedule laid out so we all know exactly what to expect but I think it should work for both of us just not go by what another court appointed for his other child  since our familys situations are very different.
The first order was with me and then he got married right away when he had another child on the way.  There is a minimal amount, under $140 a month that was figured into our agreement for daycare.  There was at least three or four years I paid much more especially over the summer it was closer to $600 a month for full time daycare and never asked for the amount he paid to be raised. 

I originally went with what ever amount was set from the state child support formula and never asked for anything more.  Fortunately I am in a position with my new husband that not working is possible, its a little tight but worth it to be around more for my son before and after school and the summer with the current child support.  I want to be fair but I don't see how it would be in my son's best interest for me to be working full time again and sending him to before and after school care.  I just don't know how the court will look at this.  My ex has also wanted to lower the support ever since I got remarried because my husbands income, which is somewhere around what  he is currently making as well and because he has to pay support on his second child now as well.
I am in MI and am the custodial parent.  I received paper work that my ex wants the support order modified and it states that I am voluntarily unemployed and asking that income be imputed.   I was laid off almost three years ago and have not worked since.  I did look although I never found something that made enough to justify paying for daycare.  Will the court impute a salary for me and how do they determine that?  There is little chance I am able to make my old salary again.  My ex also makes a lot more than he did at the time of the original order but also has another child he is now paying support on as well. 
Visitation Issues / General Visitation Schedule
Jun 21, 2011, 02:33:59 PM
First of all I live in MI and since my divorce about six years ago we have alternated every other weekend and some extra time to my ex-husband over the summer and holidays.  We have had some disagreements over time and Holidays but it has suddenly turned into a argument. 

In our court order it only states that he gets reasonable and liberal parenting time and that we have joint legal custody with me having sole physical custody.

I am looking to get an idea of what a court would assign for parenting time if we would have gone that way so so I can attempt to figure out a fair summer schedule.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!