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Messages - niente

Custody Issues / Re: Standard parenting plan?
Jul 30, 2011, 08:33:25 PM
child support: yes, never missed payment, even though was sometimes unemployed, under-employed, and a full-time student.
She makes twice as much as I do.
She's an insecure person, who makes twice what I do (not a great combination).
I sent an email to her 1st grade teacher to get on the report card list, but the teacher went right to the mother, who then created a scene at a Red Lobster restaurant which lasted over an hour when I went for a visit a few weeks later.  The principal later told me to go right to her rather than the teacher.  I was rather disappointed with the teacher.

Colorado states that after filing court papers, that they may schedule an initial status conference, at which time parenting plans are filed.  I don't know anything about parenting plans, so I'm anxious about writing one. 

I got this info here, if anyone's interested:
see "Instructions for Petition for Allocation of Parental Responsibilities"

Thanks for the tip on the book.  Could someone point me towards the template parenting plans on the site? (I apologize if they're right out in the open.)

Do you recommend, when the time comes that I write my own plan, use a standard one, or have a professional write one?

Do people typically get lawyered up for these things?

Thanks for the support, everyone.
Custody Issues / Re: Standard parenting plan?
Jul 28, 2011, 09:14:20 PM
Thanks for the response!
My daughter was 18 months old when we lost the house, and the ex-girlfriend took my daughter with her to live with her parents in California.  I had lost my job in tech, and soon after they left I entered a teacher-training program in Colorado where we were living.  I came down with Lyme disease, and moved back to the east coast to recuperate, and re-entered a teacher-training program there.  As a student, I had little money to travel to CA.  I've probably seen my daughter about 4 times since she was 1.5 yrs.  They moved to CO about a year ago.  I moved back to CO to be nearer my daughter about 9 mo ago, but the only job I could get was 350 miles away, on the other side of the Rockies in a very rural area.  I've since moved back to the Front Range.  Since I've returned to CO, my ex wouldn't let me see her last summer while I was job searching.  Saw her once over the school year, and have been denied Skype and phone and visitation since returning to the Denver region.

visitation: nothing assembled.  Started logging things this afternoon.
Paternity: Never contested. I agreed to be on the birth certificate. (I can't imagine that she's cuckolding me because she thinks that I'm a great catch, or have money or anything.)

Custody Issues / Standard parenting plan?
Jul 28, 2011, 08:16:20 PM
Hi All,
My ex-girlfriend took my daughter and moved 1000 miles away pretty soon after she was born.  I was not invited, but they've recently moved back.  We have no custody agreement, and I've recently been completely cut off from access, both telephone and visitation (because my ex- doesn't like me, and is looking for ways to hurt me.)  I'm filing instructions for allocation of parental responsibilities with the Colorado courts, without an attorney.  I've got very little experience being a father, and don't want to scare a seven year-old girl by taking her away from her mother (who has succeeded in alienating my daughter's feelings for me as a parent) to live with some stranger (me).  Anyone have any insights about what would be an appropriate custody plan? I'm an elementary school teacher, who has summers off, grandparents far away, and I live 61 miles away (I know, 1 mile too far and now I'm a long-distance parent.)
