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Messages - swanseastop

pro se at the moment. Can't afford one.
We had a mediator and we came to an agreement that supervised visitation would happen. At the last minute, she backed out. When I brought it to the courts attention today, all he said was "Sounds like this needs to go to trial.." Ok, great... only issue is, new court date is set for December!!!! So I guess I can't see my daughter till then? Please help.
My next court date isn't for months from now, can I request an earlier court date?
We met with a mediator to discuss visitation, came to an agreement, mediator sent us both letters confirming such. About 5 days before the agreed visitation was to begin, she sent me an email stating she was unable to do the visitation. I called mediators office today, they stated the paperwork needed to be submitted to the courts to become legal. Is this true? I am Pro Se at the moment, she has a lawyer.

Thanks in advance!