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Messages - ggray3

Hi there, this is my first post and am looking for guidance/advise/tips or whatever anyone can bring. I have been seperated from my ex wife for 3 years and divorced for about a year. we had 50/50 joint custody where they would be at my house for 3-4days and nights and her house 3-4days and nights. Everything revolved around her work schedule and when she could and could not be there to watch the girls (13, 11, 7yrs old). I am not the biological father of the oldest but have been there since she was 13 months old. In the past 3 years she has found a new boyfriend, had a baby with him and decided that her moving to phoenix for HIS schooling was the way things where gonna go.  Contrary to what her and MY mother believe I never agreed to the move, and told her over and over again that i did not want to do it...especially for her boyfriend. Needless to say she moved regardless of what i wanted. SO now she thinks that me having my three children every other weekend is fair, and is split evenly. Last time i checked 3.5 days a month is nowhere near 15! My oldest (again who is not legally or biolgically mine) wants to live with me and cannot stand her future step father. All three girls say that alls he does is play video games and yell at them, and since the move and school starting he is the primary person watching them while their mother works 45-55hrs a week. Their mother does not acknowledge the fact that it is unfair to them or me...she only cares about what is fair for her. she thinks that her home is a "better enviornment" then mine even though i have a girlfriend that adores them, along with her children and my family up here. I planned on going for custody for all three of them but she informed me that i was never going to win my oldest. Therefore i dropped it and ignored the problem until the beginning of the school year. Now a month into her arrangement (no court order) and i cannot deal with just seeing my girls more than 3.5 days a month. I want custody of them, but at the very least i want more time!!!  Besides uprooting and moving down to the valley what are my options. She is a good mother, but i am a better father and i deserve to have my girls and they deserve me more often! Thank You in advance!