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Messages - waspnut514

Custody Issues / Re: Emergency Custody
Nov 24, 2012, 07:47:29 PM
Have the assessment from dhs since I live across the river in a different state CPS placement across state is difficult
But can be done thru the district courts. CPS in her state strongly recommended that she hammer out agreement with me giving where I have additional time with my daughter.  If this was not done CPS would have put her in foster care well needless to say she's already stopped my daughter from attending one of her therapy appts and is telling my daughter she is not going to adhere to the agreement. My daughter is saying this is causiing her mental stress and wants out. I will be filing a restraint order on her mom for the mental abuse she has caused my daughter and file a emergency custody form. CPS from my exes state has put her on the central abuse registry. Not taking any chances with my daughters mental health plus she has special needs


Custody Issues / Emergency Custody
Nov 21, 2012, 08:51:52 AM
I just got a notice from DHS that my ex-was put on the Central Abuse Registry for Mental Abuse to my 13 year old daughter who has been attending therapy for some of the issues she has been having with her Mom. Social Worker stated she needs to spend more time with me which we come to an agreement. Im going for Physical Custody so since my ex is now on the abuse registry will I have a easier time getting emergency custody? My daughter had a therapy appointment the other day but she refused to let her attend since it cut into her visitation time. The DHS report stated that it was recommended that she attends therapy,

Thanks for the Feedback
No there isn't any reason given.
Custody Issues / Joint lEGAL cUSTODY violation?
Mar 22, 2012, 12:42:12 AM
My 13 year old daughter has a school plan for reading she sees a speech therapist (at her school) who diagnosed my daughter to have a language processing disorder which causes problems with her reading comprehension. The school plan suggested that she attends an after school reading program. She can complete the reading program on the computer  but  I requested my daughter to attend the after school program at least 2 x a week so she can focus on her reading (she gets  easily distracted at home) I even volunteered to drop her off to her Mom after school. Mother is refusing to let my daughter attend  this class  even after I called her ,spoke to her directly and even wrote a letter.  I already  have 60/40 visitation (I took her to court before  for past issues with my daughter) So now what?  Ask for Sole Custody? or request additional  parenting time so my daughter can attend these classes on my visitation days?

Let me know your thoughts.  Thanks
Custody Issues / Joint Physical?
Oct 04, 2011, 08:40:43 PM
I have 43% visitation time with my daughter she has special needs. I was granted additional visitation time since my ex was very inconsistent about my daughter's school attendance. Currently within the past 6 months  (ex has benign brain tumors) ex has fallen in her home 3x without my 12 year old being to help her, broke her foot and was put in rehab facility for 1 month 1/2 also she killed my daughter's dog by leaving it in cage (in her home) without feeding it and then killed her cat by leaving it to overheat in her trailer when her A/C went out. Since my daughter has a reading comprehension issues I enrolled her in a after school reading program that would help her. Ex has taken out of the reading program because she want's to spend more time with her. (not even considering my daughter needs this program) She is again exhibiting selfish and inconsistency

So thinking about pursuing joint physical since I have 43% visitation time.  Any ideas?  Thanks