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Messages - rhettseekins

Custody Issues / Filing for shared custody
Feb 23, 2012, 12:58:56 PM
My wife and I are going through the process without a lawyer. We agree on everything and are sharing custody (1 week on 1 week off). My question is what to expect on the court date. we are doing all the paperwork ourselves and there are things on there that I am just not sure of. So many things in the paperwork don't purtain to us because we have come to our own agreements (i.e. visitation, child support, insurance, etc.) Neither one of us have the money for a lawyer. We have been married for 13 yrs. We are both great parents just couldn't continue being married. we both want what is best for our girls. I guess what I am asking is, if we go in there and the paperwork isn't complete, can I expect the judge to accept our agreement or will he throw it out because the paperwork is not filled out correctly? BTW. We live in Texas. Neither one of us have any criminal history or property to speak of.