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Messages - bluzie1346

the judge gets mad when anyone files emergency hearings with out substanial proof , the kids word isnt proof enough. we have been at the for years , i dont know what to do we have the next trial hearing friday , but if the kids are telling the trueth then they could be gone by then if its a story their mom feed them to get us worked up then we look bad. and we finally got the school on board to send an offical out to prove mom never put dad on the school records whis was just one of the many court orders she didnt follow. but if they skip town then it was alll pointless
so here it is we are in the begining of and eveidentary hearing for custody.. my husband and his ex have been at this for five years, she wint follow court order unless it suits her and we have evidence and witness to prove it but then she got up on the stand and lied about everything, now the kids are informing us just after court she went home and announced they are moving out of state and started packing? we cant file or and emergency hearing cuzz were are in the middle of the eveidencary hearing stuff it keeps getting contined what do we do?