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Messages - sjequality


Last Friday, I were able to get 50/50 timeshare again.The judge made it clear that the new order would commence immediately.  At that time, the judge was not able to prepare the court order, he said it would be mailed to us.

The court order is that father will have Mondays and Tuesdays and every-other weekend as 2-2-3 time schedule.

The mother refuses to let father to pick up the child as the "will be mailed" court order on last Friday. She used previous court order and said that I violated that court order if I insisted to pick up the child this morning.

What can I do to avoid the conflict and not violating the current order? As my understanding, the current order may take up to weeks or months to be mailed.

Thanks for your help. I truly appreciate your time and effort.

What does it mean when the court order says "Current order dated xx/xx/xx to remain in effect until first week of April 2014."?

Will the current order be lifted on 04/01/14 or after 04/06/2014?

Thank you

Thanks for your help.

The supervised visitation is lifted, but the judge wants to make another temp order which I have 2 or 3 weekends per month, and some hours in the weekday while I take the Anger Management class. It seems unreasonable to take our child away from his father during this critical time. Is it possible that it may lead to "established custodial environment with the mother" after 3 months? (The child is about 2 years old). I may be wrong.

I am unsure if I have to follow the judge current order or file a motion to ask for 50/50. What can I do?

Thank you
We go back to court next Monday. I don't have experience and not sure what to ask the judge if he is able to lift the supervised visits and go back to 50/50. The current order is clearly detrimental to the child.
It is a temporary supervised visits, the evaluator has not let us know the next court date yet.

Thank you for your help.
- The mother of the child disagrees recommended order (50/50) from the evaluator and wants to have more than 50%.
- It seems like I disobeyed the Judge's authority commands "sit down" twice, I don't know why and how at that time I just simply stood there and smiled without prejudice. He said that I had misconduct problem and others (I don't remember the details).
- Can I ask for extra time after a while from the mother or judge?
I am not sure whether San Jose, California has any Civil rights or Human Rights group to help protect a father of a child.

On our CSC Statement, I proposed:

- Respect the laws, United State Amendments, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and advocate the equal shared parenting.
- Whereas, Mother and Father under section 3010, are equally entitled to the custody of the child.
- Everyone has the right to autonomy, freedom, universal principles of justice which are self-chosen with a free will.
- Son, Mother and Father have the rights to live life in peace, freedom, without the court order and intervention.
- Father is not sure whether the court system can be as neutral witness to equal shared parenting plan without issuing the court order. If is is impossible, Mother and Father can have the opportunity to develop a fair agreement outside the court from a preselected neutral mediator.
- Dismiss the case without prejudice.

When I said whatever it was, true and false, good and bad, please respect the laws and equality. Sudden anger, the judge instructed some police officers to use handcuffs and threatened to put the father into jail, escorted out of the court room, then gave order so I would be as supervised parent, 2 visits per week with father for 1 1/2 hours.

What is going on? Where are the justice, equality, liberty?

Please help.