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Messages - gdad4

My ex has primary physical of our child and they give me 2 days a week. I have noticed since having her only 2 days a week that when I pick her up shes been very miserable with watery eyes, very congested to where it has created troubled breathing at night.  I picked her up last time and she had a rash around her eye on her face. I never thought but have researched online and my ex said it could be allergies. I agreed and I do not have any pets but my ex has 2 or 3 dogs and a cat. By the second day my child feels better looks better and then I take her back. Is there anything I can do to possible get my child more often out of that house so shes not always sick? I have stated to my ex it could be the animals but she just ignores it.
I have retained 2 different lawyers in my family court case at different times and asked multiple people and had mixed reviews and answers but never got a straight answer.
1. Im in a family custody case and the opposing party is also in a criminal case, they stated they hired 3 attorneys. One to handle the family case and two on the criminal case.  Since elections are going on right now in Nevada would it be a conflict of interest if either or any of other party's lawyers donated to one of the judges campaign in the family case with out disclosing it to me in court would that be a conflict of interest?

2. Is it true that the supreme court requires a substantive written order that substantiates the judges decision?

3. What happens if a decision is made based on verbal testimony ?

4. What happens if no facts in evidence or documents were submitted in my case, and the judges notes leave no indication as to why he made that decision ?

5. If the opposing partys attorney signs a court order document with family court with my attorney stating it is not to be shared with anyone else but the parties who signed it. If that attorney shared the opposing partys client information and cc'd the info to another attorney on the opposing sides criminal matter who has nothing to do with the family case. Would that fall under attorney misconduct or possibly be grounds for a retrial?

6. IF the opposing partys attorney in family court contacts me to try and negotiate a settlement in the family court case by bringing up the opposing parties criminal case that I was subpoenaed to go too. Is that attorney misconduct and how could you prove it unless you had the phone conversation and if you did have the phone conversations would you be able to use it ?

7.What if you find out the opposing partys lawyer had worked as an employee for your attorney and are supporters of each other and good friends on facebook is that a conflict of interest?

8. IF I am behind in another state with child support but filed a motion to modify it and your other kids are grown, would that effect your present custody case with a new child?

If anyone may know or have any advice or opinions Id appreciate it.
Thanks for the reply, we have no more court cases set now Its just sad my child has bonded with me now im cut back to only a couple of nights a week. She is passed around and wakes up in the middle of the night looking around. It surprises me how the mother never tried to co parent with me or work something out between us after our child was born.
So my ex physically attacks me while shes 9.5 mos pregnant. I assume Im doing the right thing for my unborn child looking out for her safety by filing with the police department. Then to find out my ex has been seeing her ex husband on the side. At Birth Im kept from seeing my child be born and the hospital was told I was a threat without me knowing what was going on. Finally took action and decided to seek legal help since I was being kept from seeing my child. As being the plaintiff spending thousands of useless dollars in the family court system trying to only be a good father for my newborn child. I was attacked, accused of many false statements and presented as the abuser when in fact I was the one seeking help from the court for being abused. Outcome puts me on supervised visitations, the ex still harrasses me makes up stories and lies about me, manipulates everyone and continues to try and take what visitation rights I have left. I have no criminal issues or substance abuse problems and even received a good letter from when i was on supervised visitations. Yet only to give me 2 days with my child and the mother primary.  Now that trial is over and im on welfare barely surviving searching for a better job that pays more. I cant afford legal help, already applied for a pro bono lawyer through legal aid and found that the opposing counsel works there part time so its no surprise that they would not accept my case and told me they were out resourced.
How is that possible when you pay your own bills your own rent you pay for your childs insurance and all their milk, diapers, toys, clothes, and accessories yourself. How is that right to create a hardship on that parent to pay more to the mother when the mother makes 5 times what I do and has no bills or rent to pay and still getting continuances for her pending domestic case.  If a member of the family where the child stays has had 4 charges of sexual assault, fraud, is a felon, and malpractice, Id like to know hows that in the best interest.  Ive proven myself to be a good father and paid for the paternity myself. How in the world is the best interest of the child to be with a mother that lies to courts, the ruling is based on hearsay and facts not in evidence and a pending domestic charge living in a house with a 4 time sexual offender. Ill never know what that are truly thinking and what justice I expected when I had her served for the right to see my child.  Its sad when Im the one fighting for my childs rights to see me and trying to co parent and you have a vengeful vindictive ex who makes up false stories to destroy your rights. 
So my ex physically attacks me while shes 9.5 mos pregnant. I assume Im doing the right thing for my unborn child looking out for her safety by filing with the police department. Then to find out my ex has been seeing her ex husband on the side. At Birth Im kept from seeing my child be born and the hospital was told I was a threat without me knowing what was going on. Finally took action and decided to seek legal help since I was being kept from seeing my child. As being the plaintiff spending thousands of useless dollars in the family court system trying to only be a good father for my newborn child. I was attacked, accused of many false statements and presented as the abuser when in fact I was the one seeking help from the court for being abused. Outcome puts me on supervised visitations, the ex still harrasses me makes up stories and lies about me, manipulates everyone and continues to try and take what visitation rights I have left. I have no criminal issues or substance abuse problems and even received a good letter from when i was on supervised visitations. Yet only to give me 2 days with my child and the mother primary.  Now that trial is over and im on welfare barely surviving searching for a better job that pays more. I cant afford legal help, already applied for a pro bono lawyer through legal aid and found that the opposing counsel works there part time so its no surprise that they would not accept my case and told me they were out resourced.
How is that possible when you pay your own bills your own rent you pay for your childs insurance and all their milk, diapers, toys, clothes, and accessories yourself. How is that right to create a hardship on that parent to pay more to the mother when the mother makes 5 times what I do and has no bills or rent to pay and still getting continuances for her pending domestic case.  If a member of the family where the child stays has had 4 charges of sexual assault, fraud, is a felon, and malpractice, Id like to know hows that in the best interest.  Ive proven myself to be a good father and paid for the paternity myself. How in the world is the best interest of the child to be with a mother that lies to courts, the ruling is based on hearsay and facts not in evidence and a pending domestic charge living in a house with a 4 time sexual offender. Ill never know what that are truly thinking and what justice I expected when I had her served for the right to see my child. I thought Nevada aims for joint or 50/50 rule what happened Nevada ?