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Messages - dadstyle

You did not mention who has status as Residential Custodian for School Purposes.  One parent is supposed to be designated as such but it does not always happen.

Look at the Ohio Revised Code at what a judge should be looking for and the necessary events to change custody 3109.04; attachment to community will be your friend.  You did not mention extended family which can also be used to anchor the kids, the more roots in your community the better off it will be.  As already said document everything: schedules with the kids (Time Tracker that used to be on here is awesome), phone calls, events etc.  I try to keep 2 logs; 1 that is strictly factual and will possibly be turned over as part of the discovery process and 1 as "my personal journal" which has more detail where necessary (and I can rant all I want because nobody else will ever see it).  Make sure you are friends with the school staff so they can/will keep you abreast of any sudden movements/mistakes the mother may make.

I am also in Ohio and going thru the move away mother that thinks it is necessary to disrupt our 10yo child's life, I am RCSP.