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Messages - LoveNietzsche

Undoubtedly this question has been addressed in the forum somewhere, so I apologize for redundancy.

Following an (2004) dissolution (entered Los Angeles, Ca.)  I was rightly responsible for one-half of uninsured medical expenses.

Since 2004 my former wife has not sent a SINGLE NOTICE of payment/reimbursement for medical expenses incurred on behalf of the four (4) children. NOT ONE. Nor has she in twelve-plus years sought judicial relief for any portion of medical expenses at any point--which is interesting to the extent that 'we' have over the years sought various modifications/orders and upon each of those respective orders was attached a form of 'procedures for seeking medical reimbursement' --to be clear, she NEVER brought the issue of unpaid medical reimbursement specifically before the court.

However, she has recently sent by certified mail about 4 pounds of Insurance Explanations of Benefits (no receipts/ checks/payments are contained in the slew of papers related to medical) dating back more than 12 years. Aside from some reference to printed spread sheets she is claiming that I owe in excess of $20,000 in my portion of unpaid medical expenses for the children.

I understand some of language of FC 4602 which addresses the issue--however, $20,000 is no laughing matter for a person of my means and to be honest I am afraid of the legal footing I may be afforded if the hearing turns to a contentious reduction of 'he said, she said.'

My thought was if anyone knew of or could provide links to examples of cases where the specific issue was addressed concretely I could frame my arguments in a way that was less emotional and more steeped in actual legal practice/experience.