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Topics - smb70

Custody Issues / Advice
Jun 08, 2006, 08:07:18 AM
I am a divorced father (just over 2 yrs.) with a shared parenting agreement in place.  I started a new relationship just over a year ago and I am now engaged.  The initial divorce was not the norm.  Everything was worked out and time was split 50/50 with the kids.  Now that I have moved on with my life and new relationship, my ex is trying to break apart my new life.  She has filed papers to change the parenting agreement and is hell bent on making me decided between my children and my new life together with my fiancee.  She is causing numerous problems between us and I really don't know what to do.  I want this new life for my self.  I have considered giving her primary custody of the kids in order to finally get some peace for me, my fiancee and our new life together.  I don't want my kids to be in the middle of this custody battle anymore, but I also don't want them to think that I'm walking out on them.  The problem is that if I break off my relationship with my fiancee, I would be almost certain that something similar to this would occur in any other relationships I involve myself into.  Therefore, I see this as a no win situation.  She is out to hurt me no matter who she hurts in the process.  If what I believe is correct, it would be 12 years before I could establish another relationship with anyone as my youngest child would turn 18.  I am curious as if anyone else has ever been in a situation like this and how they worked through it.  Please help.