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Topics - zipsman03

Today I had my mod. hearing with the agency. It went as I expected it to. Nothing was resolved other than I learned that my insurance was not taken into consideration, they didn't realize what med on my pay stub stood for ins. My current order is to pay 450 but I pay 475 ...4 years ago I got behind 200 bucks so the judge added an extra 25 on til it was paid off but it has been taken out ever I called to stop that.
 I moved to SD from OH. ,in doing so this allowed my new wife to take time off as a nurse to rear the baby because I got an increase in pay and I couldn't afford to do so on my pay in Oh. so I get the letter ..respond.. get the letter back... its going up to 595.....nope can't handle it.. requested the hearing..heres why, I have to carry out of plan insurance for my son ..he's not here . That cost me an extra lets say a 100 bucks...a month...there's more.. my son is here twice a year at an average of 600 bucks a flight because its always an argument as to If she will allow him on the plane the price goes up daily ....he's 12 I have to pay 75 extra both ways for an escort... he's here all summer..approximately 75 to 80 days...for me thats 25% of the year..I pay happily..but the killer is that not only does my son come but I allow her son to be here too all summer long for there own room at hotels when we leave town entrtain him...parks water amusement...and food.. he is now 14 need I say more
Visitation Issues / Visitation for summer
Jun 28, 2007, 12:36:29 PM
Today, I spoke with my ex about final plans for sons visit, It did not go as planned. I had spoken with her several weeks ago about summer , and had come to an agreement that upon her and her family returning from there vacation she'd put my boy on a plane to visit me in S dakota..he's in Ohio. Well I called, told her that I purchased his ticket and where he needed to be. She tells me that because I am contesting the support increase she has changed her mind about him coming here and as for the ticket "its my loss" is what she said. I am to the point with this is that if I see him good, If not.. one day he will decide on his own what he wants to do. My wife and daughter nor I dont deserve the rollercoaster she puts us on . I pay ontime always have and will but I am washing my hands. And I refuse to pay an attorney every time she has a mood swing.
Father's Issues / Sons grades
Mar 05, 2007, 12:07:43 PM
Hello out there, in short my son I fear is falling thruogh the cracks in the school system grades are average at best D in science not even average ,he in 6th grade I moved out of state for a job that would afford me to pay my support. The mother is a firefighter which means she's gone 24 straight hours when she's home she's "busy trying to get promoted" step father works afternoons very hands off type wont support him in any way. He needs more structure and a parent at home to keep an eye on him. I have a better situation for him here. My wife is an education stickler highly educated stay at home mom only works when I am off...Fri Sat or Sun works as an RN I was home last month on vacation, So I called and scheduled a PTC with the staff ,they all agreed that the issue is he just needs motivated but also stated they have had no dialogue with mom, she admitted having never visited the school and thinks a C is ok.. heeeeelp!!!