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Topics - disturbeddreamer

General Issues / internation bio dad question
Aug 09, 2008, 08:19:53 PM
my daughter is 14 months old. i left her bio dad 1 month after conception. we were never married his name is not on the FL birth certificate and he has never in any way supported her. My daughter and I are both U.S and Bahamian citizens.

Her bio dad a Bahamian is threatening legal action in the Bahamas. I know he would have to establish paternity first. But he is not that bright and claims he has saved hotmail emails and IM's from me in which I did tell him his on again off again limited pity visits would end if he didnt stop doing drugs.

But isn't is up to the State of FL to decide paternity not the Bahamas?

Please advise?

I'm more than willing to give up my Bahamian citizenship and move to FL if it will help.
Custody Issues / internation bio dad question
Aug 09, 2008, 08:21:54 PM
"internation bio dad question"

           my daughter is 14 months old. i left her bio dad 1 month after conception. we were never married his name is not on the FL birth certificate and he has never in any way supported her. My daughter and I are both U.S and Bahamian citizens.

Her bio dad a Bahamian is threatening legal action in the Bahamas. I know he would have to establish paternity first. But he is not that bright and claims he has saved hotmail emails and IM's from me in which I did tell him his on again off again limited pity visits would end if he didnt stop doing drugs.

But isn't is up to the State of FL to decide paternity not the Bahamas?

Please advise?

I'm more than willing to give up my Bahamian citizenship and move to FL if it will help.