I really need some help with understanding this law.
My ex. brings this up when he shows upusually 30 mins to 60 minutes early without calling to pick up our daughter at my mothers house. My fiance picks her up after school ( during my custody time while im at work ) and usually drops her off at my mothers house, but sometimes they go out. She either remains with my mother or him until her father visitation time and they meet at my mothers house unless already their before he shows up
My question is... Does the right of refusal apply in this senario?
We have a divorce degree set up and it mentions nothing of first right.
And we chose not to follow Indiana State guidelines.
Any help would be helpful aswell as the best attorney refferal in Indiana for custody modification.
I really need some help with understanding this law.
My ex. brings this up when he shows upusually 30 mins to 60 minutes early without calling to pick up our daughter at my mothers house. My fiance picks her up after school ( during my custody time while im at work ) and usually drops her off at my mothers house, but sometimes they go out. She either remains with my mother or him until her father visitation time and they meet at my mothers house unless already their before he shows up
My question is... Does the right of refusal apply in this senario?
We have a divorce degree set up and it mentions nothing of first right.
And we chose not to follow Indiana State guidelines.
Any help would be helpful aswell as the best attorney refferal in Indiana for custody modification.