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Louisiana State Forum / I NEED HELP SOON
May 23, 2009, 11:28:38 AM
I CAN NOT get my court ordered visitation with my son!His mother and her live in boyfriend make it impossible for me.They have moved at least 7 times in the last 6 years to makefinding him impossible at times.There is no phone number and when I do find out where they live,they are gone when I come to get him or are on their way out when I get there with my child no where in sight.i have written every State Agency in Louisiana I can,gone to the judges offices in person,appealled to the Social Services Analyst Margaret Watts  several times and still no help for me because I am a non custodial parent.All the State of Louisiana cares about is me paying Child SDupport and getting insurance so that my son's mother and her boyfriend can live nicely while my son looks like a throw-away child in dress and appreance.All the while these people recieve food stamps,subsidised housing,free medical care,my support payments and I have to make sure I'm paying or risk going to jail to get futher in arrears.I need help and fast.I know the steps to take and have done so to no avail.The court system has failed me and continues to do so because I am a Black Male in Louisiana who is not well to do financially.I would like to see my son at least every other week as ordered my Judge McGaha in 3rd Judicial District Court in Lincol parish In Louisiana.If needed I can supply names and dates to prove negelect by my sons mom and whatever is needed to get my visitation restored to normalcy.HELP SOON PLEASE!

Larry Gipson
[email protected]