Has anyone read the federal legislation and wording contained in the Social Security Act, Title IV, Part D?
I believe this single piece of legislation is why fathers, paternal grandmothers, step-mothers, paternal aunts do not see their children equally and do not receive custody.
Basically this legislation establishes that if US States set up child support enforcement agencies to collect and report performance to the federal government then they have access to billions of dollars contained in federal coffers. I take performance to mean MORE child support collected each year. The only way MORE can be collected is if mothers get more time and custody.
I believe this single piece of legislation is why fathers, paternal grandmothers, step-mothers, paternal aunts do not see their children equally and do not receive custody.
Basically this legislation establishes that if US States set up child support enforcement agencies to collect and report performance to the federal government then they have access to billions of dollars contained in federal coffers. I take performance to mean MORE child support collected each year. The only way MORE can be collected is if mothers get more time and custody.